Founded in 1993 with trust
If you have been charged with a crime, call Phoenix criminal defense attorney Craig Orent today. Mr. Orent has over 30 years of experience helping people facing criminal charges. He is also a Certified Criminal Law Specialist by the Arizona State Bar.
Mr. Orent’s experience includes working as an assistant legal defender at the Maricopa County Legal Defender’s Office, focusing on felony cases including murder, robbery, and sex crimes. He also worked at the Federal
We represent our clients’ interests on the highest EU levels. Our firm combines former top EU officials, leading EU politicians and high profile EU attorneys. We combine legal expertise…
We represent our clients’ interests on the highest EU levels. Our firm combines former top EU officials, leading EU politicians and high profile EU attorneys. We combine legal expertise…
We represent our clients’ interests on the highest EU levels. Our firm combines former top EU officials, leading EU politicians and high profile EU attorneys. We combine legal expertise…
Hoxha Accounting është një kompani e specializuar në shërbime kontabiliteti dhe financiare, e dedikuar për të ndihmuar bizneset dhe individët të menaxhojnë financat e tyre me saktësi dhe profesionalizëm. Ne ofrojmë një gamë të gjerë shërbimesh, duke përfshirë konsulencë financiare, deklarime tatimore dhe doganore, mbajtje kontabiliteti, auditim financiar, planifikim buxheti dhe shumë të tjera.